Our First Mistake…

July 2, 2018
Posted in Update
July 2, 2018 Cameron McLean

Our First Mistake…

One month ago we (a brother and sister) registered to row across the Atlantic Ocean. It wasn’t until this weekend, however, where we attended the Atlantic Campaigns Introduction to Ocean Rowing that we acknowledged what an enormous challenge we have committed to. The talk was a true awakening to the task ahead, certainly, we were a little naive in knowing what’s required to get to the start line.

Sensibly others were in attendance to enquire before committing – perhaps this was our first mistake.

Thanks to Exhibition Foods we got a real taste of dining at sea. We tried two options, Chicken Tikka Masala and Vegetable Masala. They came freeze dried with 450-1000 calories per bag. Expecting to burn up to 6000 calories a day it’s handy to be able to consume 800 from a single boil up bag. We shall have to try some other flavours before setting off as we can’t imagine eating curry for 60 days at sea.

We left the event as overwhelmed, slightly startled yet truly inspired Seablings.

Our journey has already begun and we look forward to sharing it with you along the way.


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